'Call them to remembrance': The Welsh rugby internationals who died in the Great War

'Call them to remembrance': The Welsh rugby internationals who died in the Great War

B. inggris Ali: Hello! May I speak to meilin please?
Meilin: Yes, I'm Meilin.
Ali: Hi Meilin! I'm Ali. My family and I are celebrating Hari Raya on Saturday. We would like to invite you and your sister Lilin, to our home for lunch.
Meilin: Thank you very much for your kind invitation, That's lovely! What time do you want us o be there?
Ali: Lunch is at one o'clock. But you are welcome to my house anytime. My parents would be glad to see you, And my little brother is very excited to hear you're coming.

Answer the question.

1. What festival are Ali and Ahmad celebrating?
2. Who do they invite to their home for lunch?
3. Do Meilin and Lilin accept the invitation?
4. On which day do Ali and his family celebrate Hari Raya?
5. Have you been invited to a party? (Yes......) (No....)
6. Talk about the following.
(a) who invited you?
(b) for what occasion?
(c) what you did there?
(d) are you enjoy the party?

Biologi Musim bisa diartikan sebagai keadaan cuaca yang paling sering terjadi dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Misalnya musim kemarau tentu cuacanya akan cenderung panas. Terdapat empat musim di dunia, yaitu musim semi, gugur, panas, dan dingin yang mengikuti satu sama lain secara tertaur. Masing-masing musim memiliki pola cahaya, suhu, dan cuaca yang berulang setiap tahunnya. Musim biasanya diamati dalam hitungan bulan. Penyebab terjadinya perubahan musim adalah… ​