'Call them to remembrance': The Welsh rugby internationals who died in the Great War

'Call them to remembrance': The Welsh rugby internationals who died in the Great War

Matematika 5. Diketahui balok memiliki panjang 10 cm lebar 12 cm dan tinggi 20 cm?

Tolong dijawab dengan benar

5. Diketahui balok memiliki panjang 10 cm lebar 12 cm dan tinggi 20 cm?

Tolong dijawab dengan benar




Panjang(p) = 10 cm

Lebar(l) = 12 cm

Tinggi(t) = 20 cm

[tex] \: \: [/tex]


Karena soal tidak ada perintah, jadi saya cari semua.

[tex] \: \: [/tex]


  • [tex] \colorbox{yellow}{ \sf \: Volume}[/tex]

V = p × l × t

V = 10 × 12 × 20

V = [tex] \underline{ \boxed{ \red{ \sf \: 2.400~cm³}}}[/tex]

[tex] \: \: [/tex]

  • [tex] \colorbox{yellow}{ \sf \: Luas}[/tex]

L = p × l

L = 10 × 12

L = [tex] \underline{ \boxed{ \red{ \sf \: 128~cm²}}}[/tex]

[tex] \: \: \: [/tex]

  • [tex] \colorbox{yellow}{ \sf \: Keliling}[/tex]

K = 4 × (p + l + t)

K = 4 × (10 + 12 + 20)

K = 4 × 42

K = [tex] \underline{ \boxed{ \red{ \sf \: 168~cm}}}[/tex]

[tex] \: \: [/tex]

  • [tex] \colorbox{yellow}{ \sf \: Luas~permukaan}[/tex]

Lp = 2 × (pl + pt + lt)

Lp = 2 × (10 × 12) + (10 × 20) + (12 × 20)

Lp = 2 × (120 + 200 + 240)

Lp = 2 × 560

Lp = [tex] \underline{ \boxed{ \red{ \sf \: 1.120 ~cm²}}}[/tex]
